I love the change of seasons. Seeing how nature easily flows through seasonal changes makes me feel more comfortable with the changes in my life.   I begin to feel a sense of calm as I realize that change is constant — my thoughts change, my emotions change, my body changes. My favorite seasonal transition is from summer to fall.  I enjoy the slight chill as the temperature drops at night, the spectacular colors as the leaves change (autumn fireworks), and the feeling of being encased in a warm sweater. This year I noticed that within the continual changes are constants.  Constants such as the transitions themselves –each year we have an autumnal equinox, each year the weather gets cooler, and each year the leaves change.  The cycle of change brings about a semblance of balance between change and constants. The autumnal equinox is when the length of the day and the night are about the same or equal – day and night are in balance. I have heard that balancing your life is good – balancing work and fun, giving and receiving, spending and saving. Perhaps there is a balance between constants and change.